
Intermunicipal meetings

Governance of the territory

One of the weakest points in the governance of the territory is in the municipalities, which have historically been neglected and whose faculties and resources are not enough to face the enormous challenges involved in the development and conservation of biodiversity. Therefore, we work with municipal governments to build alliances that allow them to work with longer time horizons, on a larger scale and with more integrated policies.

Construction of Intermunicipal Boards

We support these alliances from their formation until they are a reality. We have promoted the creation of Inter-municipal Boards in Quintana Roo, Yucatán, Campeche and Jalisco.

  • JIRA

Investment plans

We support the implementation of participatory processes for the construction of comprehensive policies, which are grouped into investment plans that establish in what activities the resources that the Board can obtain can be spent, with what criteria to exercise it and in what geographical areas.

  • Investment plans at IRE